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Clarksville Defense Base Act Wage Loss Attorney

Wage loss benefits, also called indemnity or compensation benefits, are an important part of recovering from an injury. Wage loss benefits help workers pay bills while unable to work. Usually, workers are entitled to 2/3 of the pre-injury wages while they are recovering from their injury.

For some injuries, such as hearing loss, and injuries to hands, feet, legs and arms, the wage loss award is a fixed award. DBA statute has a formula based upon the severity of the injury and the injured workers’ pre-injury wage. For other injuries, such as injuries to the neck, back, head, shoulders, occupational disease or psychiatric, wage loss continues for so long as the injured worker cannot return to his previous employment.
An effective Clarksville DBA lost wage attorney can help fight for ongoing wage loss, when the insurance company seeks to pay only a fixed award, or seeks to terminate benefits entirely. 


DBA Form